
Report Automation: How does a Power BI consultant make it easier for you to understand your business analytics?

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Let’s say you own a burger joint. Around 7600 burgers are being sold each day at your 7 different outlets.

The business is going great! Each of these outlets is being managed by individual managers, whom you appoint with a similar salary structure. Now your gut feeling is that 2 of these outlets are having potential to attract far more customers, which currently it is not catering to for some underlying reason which you haven’t been able to discover yet.

Or, you have just the amount to reinvest into 2 of these outlets to increase seating capacity, which can cater to more customers, but you’re unsure about which 2 are eligible (or financially feasible?) because you do not have data in your hand to prove your gut feeling.  

So, you want to initiate an investigation to prove it.  

Demo Power BI report

At the same time, you do not want your managers to know that you’re having this thought which may undermine their motivation. It’s like every manager would claim that they’re eligible for this further investment.

So, you’re in a situation where you can’t get out of. Appointing further people into the business will only increase the salary expenditure, and managers will feel that they’re being tracked down against some kind of suspicion, which will affect their performance.

What do you do as a business owner? Possible to-dos are hereby:

      • Appoint people in Financial Planning & Analysis or in the Internal Audit department to work and prove your theory and provide you with reasonable judgement where to invest.
        • PROS: 
        • You get what you want.
        • CONS: 
        • Increased Cost.
        • Managers might get demotivated.
        • What’s the use of the team newly appointed after this work? Do you need this type of service on a regular basis? Answer might be NO. In that case, spending extra doesn’t get justification for this purpose. 


          • Another option might be implementing a top-class ERP system across the organization like SAGE, SAP FICO etc.
            • Pros: You kind of get an automated system with no revolving costs like paid employees.

                • Cons: Extremely Expensive (might need 20-30k$ one time + Training costs for your employees to run these)
                  • Might be hard to capture the operation and customized reports incur a hefty price tag to design.
                  • In the end, it might seem an worthless investment if a big change occurs within the business, causing the whole system to fail.

            • Another option can be appointing a PowerBI consultant who can design data input system and automate the dashboard in PowerBI or Tableau, who can design the system keeping the authority to oversee sensitive data and simplicity to understand. Implementing which you can get reliable data from within the existing employee/system without hampering the existing ecosystem at a fraction of cost (e.g. 50$ -500$ max) for initial design and implementation.

              • PROS:
                • Cheap and affordable
                • Highly customizable
                • Doesn’t hamper the existing ecosystem.
                • Absolutely no/minimal training needed to operate. Training is done at free of cost.
                • You may even check the inputs and data dashboard if they’re working at practical level before sending the whole project to some IT team to implement it once and for all.
                • CONS:
                • Device level integrity may not be achieved. (In that case you really need SAP)
                • Needs refresh each time you log in. (who doesn’t?)
                • Needs a small maintenance fee (200$ per 3 months) to keep it running, or you can spend some more to convert it to fully fledged software. (But do you need to?)


          So if you are into the market, looking for a scientific data backed proof for your hypothesis, confused about what-to-do regarding to a complex business decision, at the same time budget is an issue according to your business niche, then you’re at the right place. We, Taxample.com provide custom Data Capture System designed to be usable by blue collar workforce within the organization, while the data dashboard to be usable by the topmost decision makers. We provide long-term maintenance to keep the system running and design custom dashboards whenever a business owner might need it. Simply send us an email to info@taxample.com to schedule a demo presentation or any query.

          You may visit a ready demo of PowerBI visual report here.

          You can find more about our services in here https://taxample.com/service

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